السبت، 23 يناير 2016

New Virus on Facebook Steals Your balance and publishes pictures of naked in the accounts of your friends | know if exists in your account and how you delete it

1:48 م

from time to time appear on Facebook some viruses which exploited the owner some occasions, a model of a new virus became kills some of the victims have been circulated regarding these days, and carries the name of merry Christmas, and shows the name that the appropriate use of the expectations of Christians and Christmas, and this new virus of stealing the phone balance the victims in this trap, and deploy some nude photos in the accounts of your friends, injures also the system files on the computers may push you to the work of the فرمتة, spreading the virus across the notice to you on your account and asks you to peacekeeping in addition merry Christmas The notice shall be as follows: save extensions merry Christmas, and press OK to send the same notification to your friends thus spread rapidly, thus in this التدوينة will look at ways to be removed in the case of what I was. To ensure that you have signed in the trap of HIV merry Christmas Go To Page additions give your browser and delete any application does not know and can be accessed for example in a browser Google vineyards through the entrance to this route chrome://extensions, after that, he headed to the list of applications that you have to allow it to Facebook, and remove any application does not know, through direct access to this link: applications last stage and make a full examination companion to remove harmful files, وأنصحك malwarebytes program because it is the best, you can download it through the following link: malwarebytes ------------------------------- for Phones if you use Facebook For saloon through this virus is theft of your account, you must, as a first stage to remove the application of Facebook chrome browser, then Download the application of CCleaner to clean the files on the phone, you can download it through the following link: CCleaner then recommended also inspected the phone and remove malware, always recommended the application of malwarebytes also available for which you can download via the following link: malwarebytes these roads will protect yourself from this dangerous virus, I remember if you receive a notification save extensions merry Christmas do not approve to ignore, even not located in-law That Trapped in and contribute to the published more.


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